Publication of MSIE 2025

After a peer review process, accepted papers presented in the conference will be published in International Conference Proceedings, which will be archived in the Digital Library, and be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

Review Process:

The peer-reviewing is a critical process for scientific paper publication. The reviewers are responsible to ensure the scientific equality, verification and high standard.

All the submissions are divided into several chapters according to the topics, and removed the information of the authors, including name, affiliation, and email. Then the submissions will be sent to reviewers according to their research interests. Each submission should be reviewed by at least two reviewers. And the revised papers should go through the second peer-reviewing if it is necessary. Thus these review comments on the papers should be helpful to assist the authors to improve the paper content, structure, and language.


Submission Method

Electronic Submission System (PDF format)


1. Full paper (Click)
2. Abstract (Click)

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Bali Island, Indonesia

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Contact Method

Ms.Willow Wong

MSIE 2025 conference secretary


Tel: +86-021-59561560


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